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Featured Work: Matt O’Neill

By Frank Klesitz in Client Examples on Sep 15, 2024

Matt O’Neill in Charleston, SC, owns one of the top-producing agent teams in the USA, with over $1 billion in real estate sold, according to the Wall Street Journal.


He’s hired us not once - but twice now - to implement his database marketing plan.

Matt started with us in 2016 before moving in a different direction in December 2023. He wanted to grow his in-house marketing team with a vision larger than we could execute.

That all changed in March 2024 when Matt restructured his business, dropping his in-house marketing plans and re-doubling down on consistent videos sent to his database, shot quickly on his iPhone or webcam, and sent to us for optimization and promotion.

He’s now back as a client with updated messaging for the modern seller. He also wrote us this nice email (with permission to share) on the improved quality of our video editing:

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Here’s what we're accomplishing for Matt to get more listing appointments from his #1 asset - his existing database of past clients, sphere, and buyer/seller lead nurtures.

We first built him a seller-focused real estate video blog to complement his existing website that features his guaranteed cash offer for bottom-of-the-funnel seller leads. 


You'll also see five-star reviews with links to other ways Matt provides value, from a free home valuation to featured listings and even his own in-house podcast, The Good Mood Revolution.

All roads lead here to articulate the problem he solves. He also texts his video blog to every seller before an appointment to establish his authority over competitors.

Think of your video blog as a way for a highly motivated prospect to "binge-watch" you to evaluate your character before making a big, life-changing decision like selling a home.

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We then exported (and cleaned up) all his CRM, mobile phone, and email contacts into a fully authenticated email marketing account for excellent deliverability. We sent them all an initial reconnect message to reintroduce Matt, with a tactful invite to unsubscribe. 

We pay for your premium MyEmma email marketing account and up to 30,000 delivered emails a month. It's built into your fee with us, at our cost.

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The cornerstone of Matt’s marketing plan is his video e-newsletter. Matt answers commonly asked questions from his sphere, past clients, and buyer/seller lead nurtures. While prospecting, Matt and his agents ask permission to stay in touch, adding those new contacts to his nurture list (which syncs with his CRM).

We shoot the videos with Matt monthly, directing him live to ensure he looks, sounds, and presents well on Riverside.fm.


Matt’s permission-based email list gets two (2) video emails every month like this:

Email_CollageWe send people who click to watch back to the video blog we built. Think of your videos as the "bait" to get them back to your "trap" with all the reasons to hire you. We want people to watch your videos here, not on YouTube.

This is what a blog post looks like...


Every video is then cross-posted to his social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google My Business, and Instagram) and precisely boosted to his website visitors and CRM contacts. We recommend spending $1-2/day on paid retargeting to ensure the right people see your videos. We run and manage all that for you.


For his highest-value contacts, Matt doesn’t just send them an email or rely on social media "algorithms". We put his videos on a postcard to make sure he's seen.

We can drop them in the mail for you at about $1 a postcard.

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We give Matt a list of everyone who clicks through to watch his videos. In this case, his agents or appointment setters (i.e., ISAs) will call the 79 people who watched this video.

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To reactivate even more leads, we also send out a monthly lead-generation message with an item of value. In this case, this past month was an invite to join his VIP Buyer list...

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This is what a lead-generation email looks like…these text-only emails "shake the trees" to identify people in your list with higher intent.

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In this case, he had 61 people enter their contact information to join his VIP Home Buyer List...

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We write your emails and create your landing pages with offers for immediate response.

Here's the content calendar we suggest for a real estate agent on our marketing plan. You'll see topics for your two videos a month and one monthly lead-generation message.

The best indication of your performance is whether or not people watch your videos. That's the leading indicator in all this.

In Matt’s case, they certainly are. Remember, these are high-intent views driven to YouTube from his database, not from strangers online.

We can pull all the reporting you want to know from YouTube.


Matt invests $725 a month in us to take responsibility and execute. We're even working on a sponsor to pay 50% of that. "It's some of the best ROI I have," he says.

This is the full Vyral Marketing plan, as we execute it for a real estate agent. If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a consultation, we will answer all your questions - and if it's a fit - get you started with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

Topics: Client Examples

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

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