1. What does Vyral Marketing do? 

We help entrepreneurs in professional services stay in better touch with their existing clients, past clients, and lead nurtures with a 36-touch video, email, social media, and direct mail plan. We interview you on your webcam or mobile phone once a month to create two educational Q&A videos or to gather customer success stories from invited guests. We then do all the editing, optimization, and promotion of your videos so you build trust, authority, and top-of-mind awareness while generating leads by tracking who watches your videos and responds to special offers.

2. How much time does it take?

It takes about 30-60 minutes a month to complete a live webcam or mobile phone interview with your Vyral Marketing Coach to record your two videos. It depends on how prepared you are when you arrive. You'll also have a strategy call once a month to write your video topics and review the results of working together. You'll also need to re-export your email databases to us once a month (or connect through Zapier for automation).

3. Can I see examples of your work?

Yes. You can see examples of our featured clients under the "Examples" tab.

4. Is Vyral Marketing exclusive to me?

No. We help you publish your educational videos to people in your database who have an existing relationship with you. If you’re one of our first clients in your marketplace to publish videos you certainly may enjoy better search engine results. We’ll customize the look and feel of everything you publish so it’s entirely personalized to you.

5. Do you do “inbound marketing?”

No. Inbound marketing is a marketing term for publishing regular educational content about 2-3 times a week for the sole purpose of getting found online by prospects. While you will enjoy a search engine benefit with Vyral Marketing, we focus on publishing content to your existing customer database of people who know, like, and trust you for increased referrals and repeat business first.

6. What if my industry is regulated?

We’ll need approval from your compliance officer and assurance they are happy to review your videos and emails before they go out.

7. Will you implement my new CRM?

No. It’s a very complicated process to set up any marketing automation program or CRM system to manage your leads and contacts. We recommend you hire a qualified professional to help you customize the software to your business. On the Vyral Marketing Plan, you’ll export all the emails from all your various systems or databases once a month, which are then merged and deduplicated into our email system for you so they may receive your two educational Q&A videos and direct response offers each month.

8. Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send?

No. We cover up to 30,000 email credits a month in your fee. For any additional emails you wish to include to send, you'll pay $4 per 1,000 emails, which is our discounted "at-cost" rate with our email service provider. Additional email fees over this amount will be charged to your card on file the following month. Unused email credits do not carry forward to future months.

9. How are you different than video email software?

We’re a professional firm, not software. You get a team of video editors, writers, designers, and administrative professionals to do the work for you. We hold you accountable to get your videos done, we tell you what to say so it’s easy, we interview you live over an HD webcam or smartphone so you look and sound great, we give you professional feedback and advice, we professionally edit your videos, we search optimize your videos to get found, we put your videos on your video blog, we write an article to go with your videos, we write and send the video email to your database, we update all your social media accounts with your videos (and can also run them as retargeting ads), write monthly lead-generation emails to drive people to a landing page, and we send you leads to call (the people watching your videos) so you set more appointments and generate referrals. We’ll help you get the most business from your videos by fully promoting them online with minimal time and energy required of you – just shoot your videos with our guidance and you’re done.

10. Do you provide scripts for me for my videos?

Yes. We create two new scripts every month so you'll know exactly what to say. However, the more hyperlocal and personalized we can make your videos, the better. You can write custom questions together with your marketing specialist that they can ask you on an interview so it comes across naturally.

11. What do you do for cold lead generation?

We do not help you with cold lead generation. The best way to build your database is to prospect or co-market with other professionals who have a list of contacts that you want access to. You need to invite guests into your videos to interview them and ask them to promote your video to their list. 

12. What video, audio, and lighting equipment do you recommend?

For most clients, we simply shoot on your mobile phone with our provided tripod. For our advanced clients, we recommend the Elgato Facecam Pro, two Elgato Keylights, and the Elgato Wave Neo

1. What’s the pricing? 

Vyral Marketing is $1,995 one-time for an initial custom-build process to establish your professional online presence. Afterward, it’s $8,700 annually paid or $725 a month. You can pre-pay the year upfront and receive a complimentary extra month of service at the end of your agreement.

2. Can I afford Vyral Marketing?

We recommend you have at least two months of business expenses saved before investing in marketing. We also recommend total marketing or lead-generation expenses should not exceed 10-15% of your total sales, determined by a moving average of your sales over the past three months, as a general rule for service professionals.

3. How can I reduce the cost?

Invite your vendor or partner to participate in your videos – anyone who benefits by getting exposure to your audience. We'll include a short, 30-second spot indicating that you are sponsored by them in all of your videos. Ask your vendor to cover part of your fee for the privilege of your endorsement and access to your audience. Check with your attorney for compliance or disclosure requirements in your industry.

4. How do I collect money from my sponsor?

They will pay you directly through stripe.com. If you are a real estate agent and you wish to accept money from a sponsor where RESPA applies, you must make sure the transaction is legal. We recommend you get an attorney opinion letter and consult with MLincSolutions before accepting any money from a sponsor who falls under RESPA. We no longer accept sponsor money directly as advised by counsel since we are not providing services to your sponsor, rather, you are selling them access to your audience directly.

5. Can I be sponsored by more than one vendor?

For our purposes, no. We recommend you choose one vendor to sponsor your marketing with us. Including more than one sponsor will take up too much time in your videos to mention every sponsor.

6. What results can I expect?

Results vary greatly and there are no typical results. Talk to us about the results you can reasonably expect in your industry or profession based on your database size, average sales price, and transaction frequency. The greater the lifetime value of your customer, the more you can afford to spend to acquire them to make the first sale.

7. How do you track ROI?

Upon request, each month we’ll note how many sales you made last month and how many of those sales were generated by referral, repeat customer, or directly from your videos. We recommend you ask each person who hires or buys from you “Did my videos influence your decision to do business with me?” If so, attribute the value of that sale to your video marketing investment.

8. What ROI should I expect?

Your goal is to earn a 10x return on any marketing investment so you enjoy a profit after expenses. You’ll invest $8,700 a year in our program, and in return, your goal is to earn an additional $87,000 in revenue or commission. Our video marketing service only makes sense for clients who enjoy a customer lifetime value large enough to reasonably earn a 10x financial return. We will help you determine this during your free marketing strategy session.

9. How fast will I see results?

You may see results quickly from your first email or immediately from your search engine optimization – many clients do. However, it may also take several months to see results based on your market and message. To increase your likelihood of faster results, add at least three people a day to your database, make two helpful Q&A videos a month that your customers want, and call the people who watch your videos to proactively look for business.

10. Can I talk to your clients about ROI?

Yes. Contact us and we’ll introduce you to clients in your industry who share your current situation and business model so you can contact them directly to candidly investigate the specific return on investment they are seeing. What other clients are seeing with their ROI does not guarantee you will see the same.

11. Why do clients not see results?

Lack of communication. We must speak with you at least once a month to interview you. We also need new contacts from you to keep your database healthy. It’s also important to call/communicate with the leads we send you. It will be difficult for us to help you get results if we don't hear from you. Make sure to speak with your Vyral Marketing Specialist once a month and respond to our communication within 48 hours for your best results. Other factors include your communication skill on video, the strength of your database, and current demand of the market you serve.

12. Do you ever run promotions or specials on your pricing?

No. However, we do have a referral program that you can enroll in to get paid when you bring us a new client. We also offer a 90-day money-back guarantee, making this a zero-risk investment.

13. Do you offer an enterprise plan for my office?

Yes. Vyral Marketing is 1/2 price for all the rainmakers in your office when you are a full-paying client.

14. Do you guarantee results?

No, but we guarantee our work. If you're unhappy with our service within the first 90 days for any reason, we will refund your money

15. How many of your clients have sponsors?

We don't know. Our clients get their own sponsors and sell them advertising space in their videos, emails and website directly. We are not a party to those agreements. We do not get reports of money collected, nor do we collect the funds. We suggest sponsors, but it is not something we track.

16. Will you waive or reduce the build fee?

No. We need to charge that money to pay our employees. We would love to reduce the fee, but if we do, we then can't pay a competitive wage to retain our talent.

17. Can I sign up for two accounts at the same time?

Yes. This is common for clients who hire us to stay in touch with their customers and to recruit their peers. However, we will only launch one account at a time. We'll launch your first account, and then your second, in that order. We will delay the monthly billing of your second account by one month to compensate for the focused build time.

18. Is there a discount for an additional account?

Yes. You get 50% off the build fee on any additional accounts. The monthly implementation fee stays the same.

19. Can you break the build fee into payments?

No. We recommend you have the full year set aside in cash to start. That's just under $11,000 when you include the build fee. That way you don't have to worry about additional sales to cover the installment payments for the monthly implementation fee. 

1. Who will I work with at Vyral Marketing?

You will work with a dedicated Vyral Marketing Coach. Upon your enrollment, you’ll have a 30-day onboarding process starting with filling out your strategy plan. The onboarding specialist will match you up with your Vyral Marketing Coach, this is your point of contact for everything at Vyral Marketing.

2. What is covered on my monthly Strategy Call? 

You’ll cover the following every month on your call:

  • We will ask for your feedback on your writing and video editing
  • We will help you write your next two video scripts
  • We will review all your marketing from the previous month
  • We will make sure you’ve sent in your latest email database(s) to us 
  • We will make sure you have names to follow up with from your past email 
3. How much communication will I receive? 

You will speak with your Vyral Marketing Coach twice a month during a scheduled strategy call and virtual video shoot. You’ll also receive a weekly phone update with feedback and about the progress of your marketing that week. You can reach your Coach anytime during business hours by phone or email.

4. What if I dislike my Vyral Marketing Coach? 

We coach only to our official video marketing plan to ensure your success. If you don't enjoy who you're working with for any reason (i.e. personality, coaching style, etc) call us and we’ll switch you to someone who’s a better fit. 

5. What is the return over rate with clients at Vyral Marketing?

78% of our customers who earn $500,000+ a year in commission or revenue at the time they start with us last more than a year. For those earning less when they start, the turnover (and refund rate) is 2-3x higher.

1. How do I sign up today?

Call us at 1-800-323-9974 or request a free consultation on our website. We’ll contact you within one business day to charge you the build fee and schedule your first onboarding call

2. Is there a long-term contract?

Yes. It’s a $8,700 annual commitment paid monthly after the completion of your one-time 30-day custom build process. It takes time to build the authority, trust, and business relationship with your database for results. We ask you commit to this long-term process for a year so you have the highest probability to see results. We hire video editors, writers, Vyral Marketing Coaches, and more upon your commitment. This is your marketing team of people.

3. Can I cancel if I’m not happy?

Yes. We ask you provide us a specific list of problems first so we can check our work and make improvements if unsatisfactory work is the reason for your cancellation. We ask you honor your annual commitment if we’re doing great work.

4. Do I own all the content? 

Yes. We’ll provide you with all the log-in information for your video blog and social media/email accounts. You own everything we create for you. You own the rights to all your content (website, domain, videos, custom articles).

5. Do I have to pay for anything outside of the onboarding fee and monthly installment?

Most of what we offer is included in your build fee or monthly subscription. One necessary extra expense is your custom domain for your blog site. We recommend you purchase through Squarespace which runs about $12 per year. Optional additional expenses included: Zapier account for automatic synced database updates (for more than 100 zaps a month), Facebook ad spend ($30-60 a month), direct mail printing and postage if you want to mail your video postcard to your top contacts.

6. Do you offer different tiers or packages?

No. Our results are tested with our specific marketing plan. All of our clients follow the same 36-touch Vyral Marketing Plan with proven results.


1. Do I get a new video blog?

Yes. We build you a custom video blog (it's a website as well). You can get a custom domain name, purchased and owned by you, upon request. We suggest you add a tab to your current website that says "Video Blog" and link it to the video blog we build for you. Your new video blog will provide backlinks to your current website.

2. Can my blog replace my website?

Yes. We recommend you keep your website until your blog is launched and you receive positive feedback from customers on which site is more useful. We can transfer the domain name from your current website to your new video blog upon request.

3. Can you integrate my blog into my current website?

Yes, you just need your website designer to add a tab to your website that links to our blog. 

4. Can I have my own branding for social media and video blogs?

Yes, when you go through our build process we go through your colors, brand images, fonts, and messaging to get your consistent brand across all of your platforms. This is all done through the initial onboarding process.

4. Can you track who is interacting on my blog?

No. That cannot be done. We can’t tell you who is interacting with your website. We can only tell you specifically who is interacting with your emails.

5. What do I get for the build fee?

We build you a custom video blog complete with an animation package for your videos and online branding for your emails, as well as setup all your social media accounts properly. We’ll plan your video topics for the year, export and de-duplicate your database, and reconnect with them before sending out your first video. Additionally, we’ll perform keyword research for optimal search optimization and you’ll receive a complimentary tripod for your phone so you look and sound great. Your first email will be sent to your entire customer and prospect email database within 30 days of signing up.

6. How long does it take to launch?

It’s a 30-day custom-build process once you sign up before your first video goes to your database. You’ll have a weekly call with our Onboarding Specialist during your build process, followed by a monthly scheduled phone call after your first video launch.

1. Is my email database big enough?

You are better off with a database of 100 people who buy what you sell than a list of 1,000 cold leads not interested in speaking with you. The size of your database is not a measure of success – it’s the relationship you have with the people in your list that counts. We’ve had many clients see great results with a list of only a few hundred people to start. Regardless of your current database size, your goal is to grow your list daily by asking for permission to stay in touch with everyone you meet, either in person, on the phone, or online.

2. What if I don’t have emails?

We recommend you re-connect with your entire existing database(s) to start. These are people in your mobile phone, your email account, your address book, and your business contact management system(s). After the initial reconnect email, you’ll likely have at least a few hundred people interested in seeing your videos. They may hire you directly, or more likely, know someone who could use your services. We’ve never seen a database less than 200 people to start after these initial exports. If you don’t have any emails, you’ll want to immediately start reaching out to three people a day in your target market, or who could refer you to your target market, to ask permission to stay in touch with your videos.

3. What if I don’t have any prospects?

You’ll first want to start by reconnecting with the people you know (customers, clients, past clients, friends, family, etc.) for referrals to your ideal client or customer. Otherwise, you can purchase or compile a list of the people who are most likely to have the problem you solve. Do not add these people directly to your video marketing plan. Rather, you want to reach out first to ask permission to stay in touch, and then add them to your video marketing plan. You can also run advertising online with an offer in return for an email address to build your list. 

If you are looking to use Vyral Marketing to recruit agents to your team or brokerage, you need a list of agents that you have relationships with. Go back through all of the agents that were on the other side of transactions and ask if you can include them in your agent training newsletter.

4. Is my database confidential?

Yes. You approve everything before anything is emailed to your database. We will never market, sell, rent, or do anything with your list without your permission – ever. A confidentiality and non-disclosure clause is included in the client agreement.

5. How do I send new emails to you?

We can connect most CRMs to our email marketing platform through Zapier or RealSynch. Depending on how many contacts you will add each month, this service is free or has a small subscription fee. We will help you set up a Zapier or RealSynch account under your name so that you own and control all of the data. This will keep your list updated as you add contacts automatically.

6. Can I keep separate or segmented lists?

Yes. Simply submit each separate list to us and we’ll segment them in the email system for you.

7. What’s the script to get an email address?

When you meet someone, end your conversation with “I publish videos twice a month that answer questions commonly asked by my customers – I'd like you to receive them. What’s your best email address?” Simply do this after all your conversations (and train your employees or team members to do the same) and you’ll build your database quickly.

8. How many email addresses should I add?

That depends on your business goals. For most independent professionals working full-time, it’s recommended to add no less than three people a day to your database. That’s 15 people a work week, 60 people a month, or 720 new people a year you’ll add to your database for business or referrals. It adds up quickly! Simply ask for an email address after every business conversation you have in person, on the phone, or online and you’ll grow your database faster.

9. What if I have a "dirty" email list?

If you have a large permission-based email list (10,000+ people) that has not been communicated with for a long time, we will run your list through a service called Neverbounce.com. If a large percentage of your emails bounce, it will effect your deliverability score. This one extra step before sending out your first email will improve your chances of your message getting through.

10. For agent recruiting, can I download agents from the MLS or other agent registration lists?

No. We cannot accept any lists that you don't have a personal relationship with. Any email list you use with us must be permission-based. 

11. How do I build my list of agents for recruiting?

Number one, go back and call all of the agents on the other side of transactions. Thank them for working with you and ask if you can include them on your training updates. Go to your Facebook friends, go through all the agents you know and reach out and ask them if you can include them on your training agent updates.

12. Should I include people in my database that have moved out of state?

Yes. They are great for referrals. If they don’t want to get your stuff they will just unsubscribe.

1. What do I say in my videos?

Your best topics are answering questions you get from customers. Our scripts are based on the top Googled questions in your industry.  A typical video starts “Hi, this is Bob with ABC business and I was asked this question from a customer last week: (read question here). I want to answer this question for you today…” You can also search FAQs on the internet for your industry. We will also help you pick great questions to answer for your profession or business based on our initial topic suggestion research during your 30-day launch. We interview you live on Riverside.fm to create your videos so it’s easy to be conversational and natural when you give your response.

2. How long is a video?

The perfect web video to articulate your expertise is 3-5 minutes in length. 

3. Is everything I get 100% custom?

Yes. All your articles, social updates, and emails are written 100% custom by a professional ghostwriter in our office. Your content will never be the same as someone else, unless you choose a pre-written topic or article. You own all your custom content.

4. How many videos do I get?

You get two videos a month (and one YouTube short pulled from each video) with unlimited editing revisions that we will write a custom article for, optimize on YouTube, post to socials, and send out to your database via email.

5. Can I ask for additional video content?

If you'd like us to record and edit additional videos, there is a fee of $25 per additional video. For these additional videos, we will edit and post them to YouTube. You are then free to use that link however you'd like.

6. What if I want more YouTube shorts pulled from each video?

Yes, we will do it for an additional fee of $25 per short video. However, we do not recommend this. We would rather you spend that money and effort on an appointment setter to call the people watching your videos to schedule meetings.

7. What if I want my videos to be longer?

Yes, we will and encourage that if you have something valuable and interesting to say. You get 5 minutes of editing per video included in your fee. For each additional 5 minutes of editing, it's an extra $25. 

8. What video camera will I need?

We recommend you shoot your videos on your webcam or smartphone. We will send you a tripod to use with your phone so that you have more flexibility in finding the best lighting, instead of being tied to your computer. The program we use to shoot your videos has an app to make it easy to shoot from your phone.

9. What’s the turnaround on a video? 

You’ll set one monthly appointment with your Vyral Marketing Coach to record two short videos. It should take no longer than 30 minutes. This way you’re always one video ahead of schedule and we’re not recording too many videos up front where we lose relevancy of your topics. It takes seven business days to edit a video so we can embrace the creative process and make sure there are no mistakes.

10. Can I include my team in my videos?

Yes. Interview your employees or team in your videos to help your customers buy into the team, firm, company, or practice concept. When you feature everyone in your office in your videos instead of just yourself, it brands your company – not you the individual.

11. Can I include vendors in my videos?

Yes. Interview them in your videos and include them in as much of your marketing as you can. This way they get access to your database with your implied endorsement. This is valuable. Ask them to pay you for exposure to your audience. Make sure you check with your attorney for any rules or regulations in your industry with regard to accepting co-marketing money from sponsors.

12. What if I dislike my appearance on video? 

This is a big concern – very few people like the way they look on video. It’s one of the biggest challenges to overcome to grow your business. If you are in fact very uncomfortable, we are happy to publish an audio instead of a video for you. Everything else stays the same. Instead of a video, it’s an audio. Audio is also at times more convenient since we can interview you on the phone while you drive to an appointment. If you prefer audio for any reason, just ask us and we’re happy to do so

13. What if I dislike my ghostwriting?

It takes an adjustment to get comfortable having someone else write for you. Most popular books are written by a ghostwriter after interviewing the author. We will do our very best to capture your prose and voice in your writing. We offer you unlimited revisions of your provided emails and articles to get it right. If you have examples of your writing to model, send them to us.

14. What if I dislike my video editing?

We use Adobe Premier to edit your videos – the same software used to professionally edit Hollywood movies. When you record your videos with your Vyral Marketing Coach, you’ll rest assured your sound and lighting is strong since we’ll make sure it is. You get unlimited editing revisions in post-production so you’re happy with the final cut.

15. Do you translate to different languages?

Yes. We will translate your videos and articles to any language. We contract directly with www.Rev.com for translation at the rates posted on their website

16. Can I work with a videographer?

If you have a videographer or would like to work with one for shooting your videos, you are more than welcome to. Send us the edited or raw footage and we will get it ready for distribution.

17. If I have an in-house videographer will I get a discount on monthly implementation?

No. We still have our video editors on staff and need to pay them. If any anytime you don't have access to your video editor, we are ready to record a high-quality video with you anywhere around the world with the latest HD webcam or smartphone.

Promoting Videos

1. Are two videos a month too many? 

Rarely. Two brief communications a month to a general audience is the minimum necessary to remain top of mind to increase your business. Your goal is to create helpful videos so good your audience would be willing to pay to receive them. We’ll track all the metrics to know if in fact two communications a month are too much, but it’s never been the case for any of our clients to date. We find the more you communicate with your contacts in a helpful way – using all available media such as video, email, social media, phone calls, and even physical print mail – the more business you receive.

2. What about spam complaints?

We manage all your email unsubscribes (we can send you a list of bounces or unsubscribes upon request) and comply with the American CAN-SPAM act by making it very easy for those not interested in your communications to quickly opt-out from any further email. When you hire us you’ll assume liability for any emails you send, so be sure to check with your nation’s email laws when it comes to communicating with people electronically. Remember, you are communicating with people who have some pre-existing relationship with you and you’re sending out an email – with our help – to reconnect with everyone first while stating your two videos a month intentions going forward. There will be plenty of time for people to unsubscribe who do not wish to hear from you, and that’s perfectly okay.

3.  What social media are updated?

We upload your video to your YouTube channel, and after sending the video to your database with your approval via a video email broadcast, we upload your video to your Facebook business page, post on LinkedIn, and upload the video on Instagram, Google My Business, and TikTok by request. We set up all these social media sites for you if you do not have them professionally established already. If you do, we’ll still go through them with our complete internal social media setup checklist to make sure they are optimized to get you business.

4. Will you put the videos on my website?

No. We put your videos on your custom video blog (which is also a website) we build for you. Your video blog is the only website platform we support since we have very defined procedures and training for our team on how to properly update your video blog. We will, however, send you the YouTube code so you can embed the videos on your own website too. We can also automatically syndicate your videos to your current website with an embedded YouTube playlist. Your video blog will link to your website and your website will link to your video blog. This helps with backlinks for search optimization.

5. Will you send emails through my system?

No, but we can make exceptions. There are many email marketing systems available, however we cannot control the deliverability rates and issues with your software. We'll guide you to export all your various email databases to us once a month, which are imported and de-duplicated into ours we have securely set up for you. We prefer to send your emails through our proven servers so you get consistent and predictable results. Your video emails to your database come from you, not us.

6. When will my videos go to my database?

Twice a month – or within one business day of your email proof approval. Updates to your social media happen within one business day of your email broadcast. You’ll receive your lead report (i.e. email click report - the people who click through to watch the videos in your email) within three business days of an email broadcast.

7. How many emails can I send?

We cover up to 30,000 emails a month in your fee. That’s at most a 10,000 person list we send a video email to twice a month and one lead-generation message. Additional email credits are available at our cost of $4 per 1,000 emails. To be clear that is an extremely large email list and it’s likely you are sending communications to people you do not have a relationship with if your list is that large. If that’s the case, we ask you remove those people and only communicate with the contacts you have a pre-existing relationship with.

8. Will you post to my podcast?

No. We’re not creating content for a podcast. Podcasting is typically longer form content than what we are creating for you.

9. Can I customize my video email template or add more features (listings, testimonials, etc.)?

You are welcome to add as much to your emails as you want as long as you get it to us in a timely manner.

10. How exactly does the retargeting work?

We either set up a new one or request access to your Meta Ad Account. Once we’re in there, we make sure your email list is uploaded to match with FB/IG user accounts, your Meta pixel is installed on the video blog we build for you to retarget your website visitors, and we have an audience set up to retarget all the people who interact with your Facebook/Instagram page. You can also set up a Zapier integration so that when a new contact is added/updated in your CRM, it syncs to your Meta Ad Account for retargeting in real-time. Then, we’ll create a monthly retargeting ad with one of your two videos each month. The goal is to drive people who have recently researched you online, or who are in your database, to your video blog with us to watch the video. We recommend a budget of $1-2 a day for most people since the audiences are small and targeted, with a frequency goal of 4-6x over 30 days. You’ll review your retargeting ads on a Zoom screen share each month on your strategy call with your Marketing Coach here. The goal of these ads is sustainable branding so people in your warm list get to know you. You’ll know it’s working when people in your warm retargeting lists are clicking the ads to watch the video on your website at a cost of around $1 per click (if not lower).