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Critical Client Video Blog SSL Update

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Sep 7, 2022

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A warning that your client video blog may soon go down. You'll need to update your domain (which many of you own the rights to) with the latest SSL key.

Please to do the following immediately.

1. Email caitie@getvyral.com or your marketing consultant for your specific TXT file.
2. Add it to your domain DNS.

Here's how to do it on GoDaddy.

Here's how to do it with Google Domains.

Here's a video on how to do it step-by-step with Caitie and Elizabeth:

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Radio and Television Experts Database Retargeting Action Steps

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on May 26, 2022

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This blog post is for everyone who attended the RATE event in Nashville.

Chip Hodgkins needed more listings. So, we reactivated 39 high-quality seller leads in his existing database with their full name, property address, phone number, email, property condition, motivation, and selling timeframe. See the email that worked for Chip below.

It was great to see so many of you in Nashville for the RATE Mastermind this past month. Katy and I just moved here in July last year, and we love it. It was nice to drive to the event without having to book a flight!

This is the premier meeting of the year for me as it’s attended by all the top agents in their respective markets in one place. Many of you I’ve known for years. Billions of dollars of real estate have been sold in this room.

Here are a few photos:

RATE Meeting Room

Inside the meeting room

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Live Unreal LeadUp Leadership Event 2022 With Jeff Glover

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on May 7, 2022

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This message is for all the brokers and team leaders who attended the event.

It was great seeing you at Jeff’s event. I was the guy in the back at the Vyral Marketing booth all by myself. It was just me at the event without any staff helping me this time. Here's a copy of the handout that was on the table that you can see below.

Vyral Marketing Booth

On the second day, Spring Bengtzen was on a panel and gave me a nice shout-out in the back. That was just before her sales manager, Justin, got the whole room revved up with the Tony Robbins power moves. Remember that powerful moment? That was sweet.

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