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Join Me In Scottsdale Nov 5-7

By Frank Klesitz in Frank's Diary on Oct 14, 2024

I want to invite you to join me at Jeff Glover's Lead-Up Event in Scottsdale Nov 5-7.

I'm an attendee since we'll have clients in the room working with us to implement Jeff's recruiting marketing plan.

Grab a ticket here: https://www.gloveru.com/west-coast-leadup

There's a link on there for a discount room, too.

Join me at my table and we'll discuss how to implement the ideas in the room to attract the talent you want.

We'll also grab dinner together; it's on me at the event.

It's limited to 100 people. There is also a production requirement to be in the room, but if you're on my list (and read these emails) I doubt that will be an issue.

One of the things I love about Jeff's work is that his office implements a database-touch plan similar to our Vyral Marketing Plan for each of his agents as a value proposition to attract higher performers.

He then provides the call lists, CRM, culture, accountability, scripts, and leadership to reduce the pain of prospecting. He makes sure their databases are built correctly in the first place, working mostly expired listings, hybrid farms, open houses, and everyone they personally know.

"If they come to you for leads, they will leave you for leads," he says.

I was there last year. Jeff showed us the lead source of every single deal on his team, and his profit and loss statement. Since he's still in the business selling homes, he's directly on top of the changes in the industry (instead of hearing it through others like I have to do).

I'll be there and recommend Jeff's advice. Come on down to Phoenix for the warm weather if you can make it, and let's hang out.


glover event


Topics: Frank's Diary

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

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