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How Ed Sexton Generates Leads for His Team Inside His Brokerage

By Frank Klesitz in Client Success on Oct 10, 2023

Ed Sexton is the owner of the KW Market Center in Yuma. His recruiter (Team Leader) stepped up to run it for him so he could focus on expanding his sales team.

Ed is very focused on his return on investment. His top 3 lead sources are past clients/sphere, online leads, and letters to homeowners.

His "focuses drifted" over the years to online leads, especially with the hot market of 2021-2022, so he hired us to help him get realigned to stay in better touch with his database. He earned a $55,000 gross profit from one cash offer deal which came from his videos! Ed shares in this interview what's working for him.

If you own a brokerage and you're getting back into production, this is a great interview.

Download Ed's video marketing plan: https://www.getvyral.com/plan

Contact Ed to ask about his results or to send him referrals. 

Topics: Client Success

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

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