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How Dave Hooke Earns $1.5 Million GCI a Year from His Database

By Frank Klesitz in Client Success on Jul 1, 2023

I have a great interview to share that’s worth your time.

Dave Hooke is a client of ours in Southern Pennsylvania.

Last year he sold 350 homes for $3.1 million in GCI ($102 million volume). He’s already sold 175 this year to date.

He told us that 50% of that business (about $1.5 million GCI) came from his database. It’s on track to be the same this year.

The rest of the business was mostly from his cash offer investor division, paid leads (Realtor, Zillow, et al.), and radio/television advertising.

It gets better…

He only spent $300,000 to earn all those commissions - right in that perfect 10X ROI on your marketing spend optimal range. 

Now within that marketing budget, the return on his database runs 31:1, while his other lead sources run about 3:1.

That means for every $1 he risks on marketing to his database, he gets back $32 in commissions. That’s just incredible.

But wait, there’s more…

Thanks to my friend and client Chris Watters’s book The Million Dollar Real Estate Team, Dave has 22 local businesses (not on the settlement statement) pitching in financially to help zero-cost many of these marketing expenses.

Please read the chapter on the “Brand Ambassador” program.

This is how to get (at a minimum) 50% of your Vyral fee at zero-cost, and I cover this strategy in lesson 8 of my new weekly marketing classes starting July 13th.

Chris Watters

Dave’s been a client for years implementing our core Vyral Marketing Plan:

  • 36 emails a year to the database (2 helpful and 1 lead generation a month)
  • 12 items of direct mail to his best contacts a year (sent to 2,600 people)

He added to it:

  • 4 quarterly higher items of value mailed out (sent to 2,600 people)
  • 4 client events a year (and the promotion around them)
  • 4 phone calls a year

I invite you to watch the interview on this 60-touch database marketing system. He took what we’re doing at Vyral Marketing and just poured more gasoline on it.

Dave has 20 agents on his team who stick around (and recruiting is simple for him) because his leadership team is non-competing and spends all their time training and giving his agents business.

He sets 40% of their listing and buyer appointments with one inbound ISA.

Just to be clear – Dave didn’t start at this level. He shared in the interview he got his start door-knocking on roller-blades(!) with a database of 150 people. He just stayed consistent for 20 years and built his business to what you see today.

I’m really impressed Dave knew all these numbers when I asked him, too. It’s not every day I can write you an email with this many specifics on a client I trust are legit.

Please get what he’s doing in place in your business. You can buy his entire Google Drive with all his 60-touch marketing materials with lifetime access at www.davesmarketingfolder.com. You’ll see everything we’re sending out for him, plus all his internal documents for the rest of his touches which we’re not responsible.

You can also get on a call with us. We have permission to share his emails and social media updates with you so you can swipe his topics, formatting, call to actions, etc.

Request a free strategy call.

No joke. This is a good interview. Dave has one of the most sustainable and profitable real estate businesses I’ve seen. He’s fully out of production and has really “7th leveled” himself out of the day-to-day. He’s up there with Chris Heller and Dave Friedman – both clients as well, who have very profitable businesses, fully removed.

One pattern in them all: working the database (with direct mail).

It’s all there in the interview. Enjoy!


Frank Klesitz

Topics: Client Success

Frank Klesitz

Written by Frank Klesitz

Frank Klesitz is the CEO and founder of Vyral Marketing

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